What’s Causing Mental Health Issues In USA? 7 Best Tips To Deal With Mental Health Crisis

| Diseases

What’s Causing Mental Health Issues In USA? 7 Best Tips To Deal With Mental Health Crisis

The number of adults reporting serious thoughts of suicide increased by 664,000 from last year's data. From 2011-2012, the national rate of suicidal ideation increased each year. Every year one in five Americans experiences mental illness issues. However, one in five children has battled anxiety or depression at some time. Schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and major depression affect 1 in 25 Americans. A history of trauma and violence can brutally affect your mental health, and such traumas live with you for the rest of your life. Consult psychiatrist immediately if you feel like you need help. 


How Should You Deal With Mental Health Crisis?

Consumption of alcohol or drugs coupled with random feelings of anxiety and loneliness can affect your mental health in a very pathetic way. The chronic medical condition can also add up to the ongoing mental depression or can also be a reason behind the initiation of mental health concerns in the first place. Other factors include chemical or biological imbalances in the brain. It is not easy to deal with mental health concerns. However, by following, by following tips, you can resolve the majority of your problems: 


1. Choose a Good Company

Avoid being with people who make you sad or add to your tensions. Find yourself a company that cares about you and would make you happy. Remember, and accept that no one with you is here forever, even if it's for a short time; make sure it is worth it. Enjoy your life to the fullest, and stop worrying about tiny matters. Remember, you are where you wanted to be five years ago. 


2. Give Yourself Importance 

Remember that you are essential. Prioritize yourself before you give importance to someone else. Adopt healthy hobbies, and treat yourself with kindness and respect. Stop being too critical about yourself. Indulge yourself in solo games, for example, crossword puzzles. Get yourself a pet or a plant. Take care of that, and you will feel much happier about yourself. 


3. Eat Healthy Diet

A healthy diet is essential. If your body is not getting appropriate nutrients, you will likely suffer from irritability, which will eventually lead to a lack of productivity. To deliver maximum productivity, you should intake all the nutrients and keep your mind and body healthy. Indulge in exercise, and get valuable tips from your instructor for training. 


4. Drink Ample Water

Water is essential for our body, and drinking water daily cannot be overstated. Keeping hydrated can prevent dehydration, which can affect your mental clarity and mood, cause overheating in the body, and cause kidney stones and constipation. If you are stable internally, you can only deliver what you ask. 


5. Avoid Smoking 

Smoking and vaping are harmful to health. If you have been involved in other drugs, for example, alcohol or marijuana, it's the right time to build your distance. Drugs might look like a solution to all your troubles but trust me; they might give you happiness for a short time but take away a lot of long-term perks. As they say, a cigarette packet might not have an expiry date, but it would bring your expiry closer. Choose your habits wisely. 


6. Fix Your Sleep Cycle 

This might sound like something having vague importance, but proper sleep is essential. You should fix your sleep. Sleeping at around 9 pm and waking up early, around 4 am, is better, and it is an ideal time to sleep. If you don’t sleep properly, your mind will get frustrated, and you will get tired, and eventually, your productivity will be at its lowest. Moreover, you will be very disturbed mentally. 


7. Don’t Be Ashamed To Ask For Help

If you think that your situation is terrible and that you need to seek help, then what are you waiting for? Never get ashamed of asking anyone for help. Although, you should learn to choose the person wisely. Consult an online psychiatrist if you don't want to leave your house, yet take advantage of getting help. There are plenty of doctors; you can consult online doctors for your concerns anytime. 



Mental health is essential. Unfortunately, it is not given as much importance as it demands because getting therapy is still considered taboo. Hence, you should never be ashamed to consult an online psychiatrist. Everyone has issues, and there’s no harm in reaching out to someone. You should avoid drugs, eat healthily, drink lots of water and fix your sleep. Consult online psychiatrist whenever you need one. 



Q1. What are the four types of mental health?

  • Mood disorders

  • Anxiety disorders

  • Personality disorders

  • Psychotic disorders


Q2. What causes mental illness?

Situations such as financial difficulties, a loved one's death, or divorce are stressful. Chronic medical conditions, brain damage, or traumatic experiences are also reasons.