Peripheral Artery Disease: What is the Best Sleeping Position for Your Well-Being?

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Peripheral Artery Disease: What is the Best Sleeping Position for Your Well-Being?


Dreaming of a good night’s rest? If you have Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD), your sleeping position can greatly affect your comfort and health. Let’s dive into the details of how deep sleep gets affected and how to gain it back.

Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) is where the arteries that supply blood to the limbs (usually the legs) become narrowed due to a build-up of a fatty substance called plaque. This can lead to the following symptoms like 

  • Leg pain

  • Cold feet

  • Poor wound healing

And while PAD requires its own set of medical management strategies, understanding the best sleeping position is really crucial for those living with this condition.


Peripheral Artery Disease Causes

There are so many causes that can cause PAD, but here are the main causes.

  • Smoking too often

  • Type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes

  • High blood pressure

  • High cholesterol

  • Age

  • Over tiredness


Peripheral Artery Disease Symptoms

Usually, the PAD patients dont feel the pain or symptoms as such its just that their moods fluctuate a lot. Here are a few of the common symptoms that show PAD signs;

  • Hair loss on your legs and feets

  • Legs remain numb more often

  • Slow growth in toenails and pain around them

  • You feel ulcer

  • Change in skin tone on your legs and feet usually it turns pale or brown

  • In men, it can also show erectile dysfunction

  • Shiny skin


Peripheral Artery Disease Treatment 

PAD is often treated without medicines and mostly through lifestyle changes. Here are a few habits if you incorporate them into your daily life. It will be really easy to cover the PAD symptoms in less amount of time and with no medicinal side effects.

  • Eat healthily and eat in chunks.

  • Weight maintenance

  • No nicotine and alcohol

  • No smoking

  • And exercise more

  • Maintain your blood pressure and cholesterol and diabetes


The Importance of Sleeping Position

Moreover, Sleep is vital for everyone, but for those with PAD, the right position can be from the following. But it is very important to be aware of your body where it feels more relaxing.


Reduce pain and discomfort:

Alleviating pressure on affected limbs can minimize pain.


Improve blood circulation:

Encouraging good blood flow is essential for those with PAD.


Reduce the risk of complications:

Proper positioning can prevent ulcers and other complications from poor circulation.


Best Sleeping Position For Well Being

Elevate the legs:

Raising your legs slightly above the level of your heart can improve blood circulation back toward the heart. However, you can use pillows or a foam wedge to achieve this position. Ensure that the elevation is gentle to avoid bending the knees excessively.


Sleep on your back:

Also known as the supine position, lying on your back can distribute body weight evenly and reduce pressure on the limbs. Somehow, If you naturally sleep on your side or stomach, consider using body pillows to transition to back sleeping.


Avoid crossing legs:

When you cross your legs, you can further restrict blood flow. It’s a common position many defaults to, even while asleep. Try placing a pillow between your legs if they cross during the night.


How to prevent Peripheral Artery Disorder

Stay Active:

Regular walking or light exercises, as your doctor prescribes, can improve blood flow and reduce PAD symptoms, making sleep more comfortable.


Mind Your Diet:

A heart-healthy diet can help manage PAD. Avoiding caffeine and heavy meals close to bedtime can also improve sleep.


Manage Stress:

Chronic stress can exacerbate PAD symptoms. Techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or listening to calming music before bed can improve sleep quality.


Check your Mattress and Bedding:

Ensure your mattress offers good support and your bedding is breathable. Temperature control is essential, especially if you experience temperature sensitivity in your feet.



Somehow, If you suffer from Peripheral Artery Disease, remember that you’re not alone. Millions of people globally face the same challenge. By understanding the importance of sleeping positions and incorporating a few adjustments into your nightly routine, you can significantly enhance your well-being and quality of sleep.

However, Always consult with healthcare provider or  you can also book an appointment with the specialist doctor for an in-person meeting about any concerns or adjustments related to your PAD management. A good night’s sleep is not just a dream; it can be a reality, even with PAD. Sweet dreams!

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