Nervous (Mental) Breakdown: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

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Nervous (Mental) Breakdown: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment


Life is full of challenges. Every second of it demands something from us. Oftentimes, we are not ready, but to keep up with the pace of life, we have to juggle various tasks, forgetting that few come at the cost of our mental health. 

The term nervous breakdown or mental breakdown isn’t a clinical term. It is just a colloquial term used to describe the state of emotional distress and inability to cope with the demands of daily life. The intensity of the condition can vary from person to person. 


Nervous Breakdown Causes

Here are some of the common causes of mental breakdown:


Stress Overload

If a person is exposed to a stressful situation for an extended period of time, then the likelihood of a nervous breakdown increases. It can stem from various sources, such as workload, relationships, financial issues, and underlying health problems. The constant feeling of being overwhelmed can push a person over the edge. 



“ We are not defined by our past,” a phrase that is commonly heard everywhere. But this doesn’t hold true for people suffering from stress, anxiety, or depression. In fact, for them, their past is not only seeping into their present but also shaping their future.

Often, a memory from the past haunts them. It can be a memory of the loss of their loved ones or of an abuse or accident that lives within them to date. 


Physical Health Issues

Physical health and mental health share a very intricate relationship with each other. If a person is not physically fit, then it is challenging to feel mentally recharged. 

Chronic health conditions can interfere with the day-to-day tasks of an individual. The loss of functionality can lead to a sense of helplessness, which can make one feel frustrated and depressed. 


Lack of Coping Tools

The coping tools are various strategies and techniques that people use to manage stress. If you lack your very own coping tools, then the likelihood of becoming prey to your own stress is much greater.


Substance Abuse

Excessive use of drugs and alcohol can alter brain chemistry. It significantly increases the risk of mental issues and can even exacerbate the already existing issue.


Nervous Breakdown Symptoms

Some of the common mental breakdown symptoms include:

  • A person finds himself unable to relax.

  • Deep and persistent episodes of sadness loom on an individual.

  • There is a flux of emotions ranging from anger and sadness to crying. 

  • People often find it difficult to sleep during such depressive episodes.

  • The issue begins to manifest in physical symptoms such as upset issues, headaches, and muscle tension. 

  • People begin to shrink within, ultimately isolating themselves from everyone.

  • It can hinder one’s ability to concentrate and think clearly. 

  • A person might feel overwhelmed with a sense of hopelessness and helplessness and feel that there is no way out. 


Nervous Breakdown Treatment

Mental Breakdown treatment varies from person to person. Here are some of the standard guidelines regarding the treatment:


Seek a Professional

If you or someone you love is going through a nervous breakdown, make sure to seek a mental healthcare professional. A psychiatrist or psychologist provides you with the necessary guidance, support, and treatment for psychological challenges. 



Therapy is an effective way of treating nervous breakdown and various mental health issues. The therapist helps individual to understand their thoughts, behaviors, feelings and underlying issues contributing to their mental distress. 



In some cases medications are provided along with the therapy. Medicines can manage symptoms related to anxiety and depression. 


Life Style Changes

If you want to remain shielded from anxiety throughout your life then you must think of bringing major lifestyle changes. practice mindfulness, so you can learn to remain in present. Avoid caffeine as it can trigger anxiety. In short, try to refrain from things that trigger your anxiety. 



In this blog we talked about nervous breakdown and treatment that can help manage anxiety. Although, it is a stressful situation but it is not end of the road. With the right support and treatment individuals can overcome resolve and manage this mental issue. If you know someone, who is suffering from nervous breakdown, don’t hesitate in seeking support. You might can safe a life. 

Nervous breakdowns, characterized by overwhelming stress, emotional exhaustion, and an inability to cope, can be deeply distressing. Seeking help is a crucial step in the journey to recovery. Mental health counseling provides a supportive and professional environment where individuals can address their emotional and psychological struggles, learn coping strategies, and regain control over their lives. If you or someone you know is experiencing the overwhelming effects of a nervous breakdown, seek mental health counseling from WoW Health that can be a vital source of guidance and healing.

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