Microneedling Before and After: Everything We All Need to Know!

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Microneedling Before and After: Everything We All Need to Know!

What is Microneedling?

Microneedling, a treatment that has gained significant popularity in recent years thanks to advancements in technology, actually has its roots in the 1980s. During this time, dermatologist Dr. Phillippe Simonin made an intriguing discovery. After performing facelift surgeries and utilizing camouflage tattooing to conceal scars, he noticed remarkable enhancements in the appearance of the scars. This realization marked a significant milestone in the evolution of microneedling.

Further evidence supporting the effectiveness of microneedling emerged in the 1990s when dermatologists conducted extensive research on the process of tattooing using needles. This research solidified the connection between this technique and its positive impact on scar improvement. Consequently, microneedling has become a well-established and reliable method for addressing various skin concerns.

The Microneedling Process

Microneedling is a relatively straightforward treatment that involves utilizing a specialized pen-like device called the Collagen P.I.N. This device features a 36-needle cartridge and allows for adjustable needle depths of up to 3.0mm. During the procedure, the tiny needles of the P.I.N. device create small punctures in the dermal layer of the skin. These punctures act as signals to the body, triggering a natural healing response.

The body's response to these micro-injuries initiates a healing process that leads to several positive outcomes. First, there is an increase in cell turnover, which promotes the formation of new capillaries and aids in reducing the appearance of scars. Additionally, the microneedling process stimulates the production of collagen and elastin in the dermal layer of the skin. Collagen and elastin are essential proteins that contribute to the skin's strength, elasticity, and youthful appearance.

Microneedling Benefits

In simpler terms, the advantages of microneedling can be broadly categorized into two key areas without delving excessively into intricate scientific details.


Produces more collagen and elastin

As we get older, our bodies make less elastin, hyaluronic acid, and we start losing much of our collagen. This leads to wrinkles and loose skin. When we use microneedles on the skin, it causes minor damage. This damage makes the skin produce more collagen and elastin to fix it and protect it.


Allows skin to look plump and glowy

Microneedling helps make the skin healthier and firmer by increasing collagen and elastin, two important skin elements. It also helps the skin absorb products like Vitamin C and hyaluronic acid better, which are essential for keeping the skin healthy and managing its color. This is why microneedling can help improve the appearance of acne scars and uneven skin color over time.


How Does Microneedling Work? 

Conditions for Microneedling

Assuming you are in good health with no pre-existing complications related to healing or any current symptoms of infection or active lesions, you are an ideal candidate for this treatment. This wellness-oriented procedure is designed with the overall health of the patient in mind, and thus, it's crucial that you have a stable health baseline to maximize the benefits of the treatment.

As you prepare for the treatment, it's recommended that you pay special attention to skincare. The condition of your skin can greatly influence the effectiveness of the treatment. Therefore, it's essential that you diligently use a high-quality sunscreen, preferably with a Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of at least 30, in the days leading up to the procedure. This will help protect your skin from the harmful effects of UV rays, which could otherwise create unnecessary complications.


During Microneedling

After undergoing the process of Microneedling, it's completely normal for clients to observe some immediate changes in their skin. 

Directly following the treatment, many compare the sensation and appearance to that of mild sunburn. This is characterized by a noticeable redness that is most prominent for the initial 1-2 days. It's an expected reaction and there's no need for alarm as it's simply an indication that the procedure has indeed stimulated the skin as intended.

Once these phases have passed, you're likely to witness a remarkable transformation in your skin. It will acquire a dewy and radiant quality, commonly referred to as the "day 10 glow". This is the moment when the true benefits of the microneedling procedure come to the forefront, revealing a complexion that is not just refreshed but positively glowing.


Post-procedure care

Post-procedure care is vital to facilitate the healing process and to prevent any unnecessary irritation. For a period of 72 hours following the treatment, it is highly recommended that you limit your exposure to the sun. This is to avoid any potential sun damage to the newly sensitive skin. For better understanding, you can book an appointment with medical specialist

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