How Your Eye Exam Could Reveal Alzheimer’s Risk

| Medical

How Your Eye Exam Could Reveal Alzheimer’s Risk


As technology advances, researchers are able to uncover more and more about the human body and its diseases. In this article, we look at how an eye exam could be the key to unlocking Alzheimer's risk. Read on to find out how your optometrist could be a life-saver!


What an Eye Exam is?

An eye exam is a routine test that eye doctors use to check for vision problems and assess your overall eye health. During an eye exam, your doctor will ask you to read an eye chart and look at pictures or objects in different ways. They will also check the health of your eyes by looking at the front and back of your eyes through a magnifying glass.


Why is an Eye Exam Important for Alzheimer’s Prevention?

As we age, it’s important to keep up with our vision health by getting regular eye exams. These exams not only help us maintain good vision, but they can also reveal early signs of Alzheimer’s disease.

A study published in JAMA Ophthalmology found that people with early signs of Alzheimer’s had changes in their eyes that were different from those without the disease. These changes included thinning of the retina and damage to the nerve that connects the eye to the brain.

Eye exams can detect these changes before symptoms of Alzheimer’s develop, which is important because early diagnosis and treatment can slow down the progression of the disease. If you are over the age of 65, be sure to schedule an eye exam with your doctor to help protect your cognitive health.


How can an Eye Exam Help Prevent Dementia?

An eye exam can help prevent dementia by detecting changes in the retina that may be early signs of Alzheimer's disease. These changes include thinning of the retina, which can be detected by a special type of camera called an OCT (optical coherence tomography) machine. This machine can also measure the thickness of the retina, which may be thinner in people with Alzheimer's disease. The OCT machine is usually found in eye doctors' offices and can be used to screen for Alzheimer's risk. You can fine the best vision care providers in USA.


What Disadvantages Does this Method Have?

There are a few disadvantages to this method of eye exam for Alzheimer's risk. First, it is not 100% accurate. There is always a margin of error with any medical test. Second, this test is not covered by insurance companies. It can be costly out-of-pocket. Finally, this method is not yet widely available. Not all doctors offer it and not all patients have access to it.



Our eyes can tell us a lot about our health and even uncover potential risks for diseases such as Alzheimer's. An eye exam could be the key to early detection and preventive measures, which may reduce your risk of developing Alzheimer’s or help you recognize its symptoms sooner if it does present itself. So make sure that you get regular eye exams, and ask your doctor about any further tests that could shed more light on your risk for this devastating condition. For more information or query, you can contact us at +18449694325  or visit WoW Health.