5 Body Changes You’ll Experience During Pregnancy

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5 Body Changes You’ll Experience During Pregnancy


Giving birth to a new life is an amazing experience, but it's not without the physical changes and challenges that you'll have to go through. In this blog post, we'll outline some of the most common body changes that are experienced during pregnancy, helping you prepare for what's to come and learn what to expect.


1. Weight gain during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a time of many physical changes, and one of the most noticeable changes is weight gain. As your baby grows, so does your body. Weight gain during pregnancy is normal and necessary, but it can be a source of anxiety for some women.

How much weight you should gain during pregnancy depends on your pre-pregnancy weight. If you were underweight before you got pregnant, you will likely need to gain more weight than someone who was overweight or obese. In general, you should aim to gain about 25-35 pounds if you were at a healthy weight before pregnancy, 15-25 pounds if you were underweight, and 11-20 pounds if you were obese.

Weight gain during pregnancy happens gradually. In the first trimester, you might even lose a few pounds as your body adjusts to the changes. By the second trimester, most women start to see their weight increase as their baby grows. And in the third trimester, weight gain accelerates as the baby gets bigger and prepares for birth.

The best way to ensure healthy weight gain during pregnancy is to eat a nutritious diet and stay active. Eating plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and whole grains will give you the nutrients you need to support a healthy pregnancy. And staying active will help keep your energy up and your muscles strong.


2. Belly Button changes during pregnancy

As your baby grows, your belly button may become more pronounced. This is because the growing uterus puts pressure on the surrounding muscles and skin. The increased pressure can cause the skin around the belly button to stretch and become thinner.

Some women may also experience a change in the shape of their belly button during pregnancy. It may become more oval-shaped or elongated.

In some cases, the changes to the belly button can be permanent. If you're concerned about how your belly button will look after pregnancy, talk to a doctor or midwife.


3. Swelling of the Feet (ankles, fingers)

When you are pregnant, your body goes through a lot of changes. One of the most common changes is swelling in the feet (ankles, fingers). This can be caused by the extra fluid in your body and the pressure of your growing uterus on the veins in your legs. Swelling is usually worst at the end of the day, after you have been on your feet for a long time. To help reduce swelling:

- Put your feet up when you can

- Wear comfortable shoes

- Avoid standing for long periods of time

- Exercise regularly

- Drink plenty of fluids


4. Changes in Hair Growth (thinning or multicolored)

Hair changes during pregnancy are usually first noticed around the second or third trimester. Some women find their hair becomes thicker, while others report hair thinning or loss. Multicolored hair is also common during pregnancy, due to hormonal changes affecting the pigment cells in the hair follicle. These changes are usually temporary and will resolve after childbirth.


5. Skin Changes During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, your skin will go through a lot of changes. Some of these changes are due to the increased hormones in your body, while others are simply due to the added stress that comes with being pregnant. Here are some of the most common skin changes you'll experience during pregnancy:

- Your skin will become more oily. This is due to the increased hormone levels in your body, which can cause your sebaceous glands to produce more oil than usual. In addition, your skin will also be stretched out more during pregnancy, which can further contribute to the problem.

- You may develop stretch marks. These are markings that occur when your skin stretches beyond its capacity. They typically appear on the abdomen, breasts, and thighs and can be quite difficult to get rid of after pregnancy.

- You may also notice an increase in pigmentation, or darkening of the skin. This is caused by the increased hormone levels in your body and usually goes away after pregnancy.

- Acne is another common skin change during pregnancy. Just like with oiliness, this is caused by the increased hormone levels in your body and usually goes away after pregnancy. For more information, you can contact us at +18449694325  or visit WoW Health.

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