5 Tips To Prevent Crohn’s Disease’s Flare Up

| Diseases

5 Tips To Prevent Crohn’s Disease’s Flare Up


Crohn's disease is one of the types of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). It causes inflammation in the digestive tract that leads to abdominal pain, severe diarrhea, fatigue, weight loss, and malnutrition. Living with Crohn’s disease is difficult, as you may get unpredictable flare-ups. Along with it, you miss out on a lot because of this, and the reason behind this is that you will need to have regular check-ups, which are time taking.  Consult a gastroenterologist if you have Crohn’s disease.


How to Stop Crohn’s Disease from Flaring up?

Crohn’s disease is not leaving you anywhere, but the possibility of flare-ups might make the situation worse for you. There is no guarantee against a return of symptoms, but you can take steps to reduce the chances. The symptoms that occur during the flare include diarrhea, fatigue, belly pain, fever, and loss of appetite.


1. Maintain a Food Journal

Note what you eat daily, and also write down any symptoms or unusual things you observe. This will help you identify any food you are allergic to or may cause any trouble. Crohn’s is an evolving disease; hence your body’s response may change from time to time. Therefore tracking your diet may be an excellent solution to this. Insoluble fiber makes foods harder to digest. They include whole grains, raw green vegetables (especially broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables), whole nuts, and fruits with skins and seeds. Find out how much fiber and what kind is best for you by speaking with your doctor or a dietitian.


2. Prefer Munching Over Proper Meals

You should eat a fist-sized portion five times a day instead of 3 proper meals a day. This would help in digestion and would keep everything under control. Additionally, you may see improvement if you limit the number of fatty foods in your diet, avoid dairy products, and limit high-fiber foods.


3. Quit Smoking

Here's another reason to kick the nicotine habit. When you smoke, your Crohn's disease activity goes into overdrive, accelerating the progression of the disease. As well as increasing the likelihood that you'll need surgery, smoking causes flares more frequently. You will likely experience fewer flare-ups after you stop smoking. You may also need fewer medications to treat Crohn's disease when you stop smoking. Prevention of Crohn’s disease is better than getting badly affected by it. 


4. Manage Stress

The hormones that are released while you are having stress trigger the symptoms of Crohn’s disease. That is why you should learn to manage your stress, especially if you have Crohn’s. Doing yoga or any exercise can also help control anxiety and reduce stress, and regular exercise may improve your body’s immune response and reduce inflammation. The benefits of therapy sessions may also include the opportunity to talk with someone about your struggles and feelings. 


5. Keep Your Morals High

Your support system can be strengthened by therapy, as mentioned above. It is also essential to keep your spirits high and your outlook positive by keeping in touch with friends, family, and support groups for Crohn's patients. For those newly diagnosed with Crohn's, a support system is beneficial since they may feel overwhelmed and have many questions.



In this disease, your immune system is badly disturbed as it starts attacking the healthy tissues in your digestive tract. To prevent the flaring up of Crohn’s disease, you should maintain a food journal and eat food in small amounts yet frequently. Also, quit smoking and avoid passive smoking as much as possible. Try doing yoga and other exercises to relieve yourself from stress. Meanwhile, keep your morale high and seek support from your family. Consult online gastroenterologist for any queries that you have. 



Q1. What is the main cause of Crohn's disease?

The real cause behind this is unknown. One of the discovered reasons behind this is that it might be an autoimmune reaction. Your body attacks healthy cells in your body. 


Q2. How do doctors test for Crohn's?

Colonoscopy. Using a thin, flexible, lighted tube with a camera at the end, your doctor can view your entire colon and ileum (terminal ileum). A biopsy can also be taken during the procedure to assist in diagnosing the problem.